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Experienced & Affordable DUI Defense for the Denver Metro Area


Denver County – DUI Charge

Client turned the wrong way on a one-way street, colliding with another vehicle, then into a tree. Client refused a blood or breath test. Client found Not Guilty at jury trial.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Client drives moving truck off the road into a ditch. Client refused both blood or breath test, and refused roadside tests. Case dismissed.

Douglas County – DUI Charge

Client pulled over for expired plates, and took a breath test with results well over the legal limit. Case was dismissed at the motions hearing.

Adams County – DUI Charge

Client found by police at his vehicle changing a flat tire. Client shows obvious impairment and tests well over the legal limit. Not guilty verdict at jury trial.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Client pulled over for illegal U-turn. All evidence suppressed as a result of an illegal stop. Case dismissed.

Denver County – DUI Charge

Client found asleep in his car with the engine running. Blood test reveals prescription drug intoxication. Client pleads guilty to reduced charge of Reckless Driving.

Douglas County – DUI Charge

Client was called in by his wife for suspected driving under the influence. Police locate him in his vehicle in his driveway. Client found not guilty at jury trial.

Adams County – DUI Charge

DMV Action Dismissed at hearing because officer gave confusing advisements to the defendant.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Client accused of refusing a blood test. Court suppressed evidence of a refusal. Client found not guilty at jury trial.

Adams County – DUI Charge

Client pled guilty to third offense DUI, received minimum 60-day jail sentence with work-release.

Adams County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed because police could not prove that the client’s last driving was within two hours of his blood test.

Broomfield County – DUI Charge

DMV Case dismissed because there was no probable cause that a vape pen found in client’s vehicle was marijuana and not tobacco.

Denver County – Felony DUI Charge

Client sentenced to probation.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed because officer could not establish that the breath test was given within 2 hours of driving.

Arapahoe County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed because client recanted her refusal and was not provided a potentially exculpatory BAC test.

Jefferson County – DUI & Child Abuse

Reduced to DWAI and Child Abuse charge dismissed.

Teller County – DUI Charge

Client found not guilty at jury trial due to consumption of alcohol after last driving occurred.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed due to officer providing Miranda advisement at the same time as Express Consent advisement, and client mistakenly believed that he has a right to an attorney before providing a test.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Case dismissed after motions hearing due to officer credibility issues after officer changes testimony he provided at the DMV hearing.

Broomfield County – DUI Charge

Plea offer to Reckless Driving accepted by client after officer credibility undermined at motions hearing.

Douglas County – DUI Charge

Motion to suppress granted and case dismissed due to lack of reasonable suspicion for officer to approach client’s vehicle.

Adams County – DUI Charge

Reduced plea offer to reckless driving after motion to suppress granted as a result of the officer mis-advising defendant about criminal consequences of refusal.

Arapahoe County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed due to test being outside of two hours.

Arapahoe County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed due to lack of probable cause to arrest and invoke the Express Consent law.

Adams County – DWAI Charge

Client pled guilty to Reckless Driving plea offer even though he was above 5ng of THC due to body camera footage not showing any impairment.

Boulder County – DUI Charge

DMV Case dismissed because breath test performed more than 2 hours after last time of driving.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

DMV case dismissed due to lack of reasonable suspicion for officers to contact client.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Case dismissed due to lack of probable cause to arrest client and invoke the Express Consent law.

Douglas County – DWAI Charge

Case dismissed at motions hearing due to lack of reasonable suspicion to pull client’s vehicle over when expired plate was within grace period.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Client accepts offer of Reckless Driving when officer initially stops vehicle for an obscured license plate but lacks reasonable suspicion to approach vehicle.

Denver County – DUI Charge

DWAI reduced to Reckless driving due to lack of probable cause.

Adams County – DUI Charge

Case dismissed due to Express Consent violation.

Adams County – DUI Charge

Client receives minimum 60-day jail sentence upon guilty plea to third DUI offense.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Reduced to Reckless Driving due to evidence of impairment being weak and client having a prescription for the medication.

Broomfield County – DUI Charge

Case dismissed despite evidence of alcohol consumption due to evidence that client passed out at the wheel due to complications related to diabetes.

Jefferson County – Felony DUI Charge

Client receives probationary sentence.

Douglas County – Hit & Run

Reduced to Careless Driving due to lack of proof.

Adams County – DUI Charge

Case dismissed due to lack of probable cause to arrest.

Jefferson County – Felony Menacing Charge

Case referred to diversion and dismissed.

Denver County – Felony Distribution of Controlled Substances

Client received probation despite record for prior felony convictions.

Broomfield County – DUI Charge

Underage minor accepts plea offer to Careless Driving.

Jefferson County – Possession of Controlled Substances

Client receives diversion, case dismissed.

Adams County – Domestic Violence

Client found not guilty at jury trial.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Client had an accident and refused testing – case dismissed.

Jefferson County – DUI Charge

Client stopped by police for taking a prohibited U-turn. All evidence suppressed at motions hearing.

Denver County – DUI Charge

Client found sleeping in her vehicle with engine running, and tests positive for both alcohol and marijuana. Client pleads guilty to reduced charge of Reckless Driving.

Jefferson County – DUI Probation Revocation

Complaint withdrawn and case closed with no penalty.

Jefferson County – DWAI Charge

Reduced to Reckless Driving with unsupervised probation.

El Paso County – Domestic Violence Assault

Not guilty verdict at trial, case sealed.

Jefferson County – DUI & Child Abuse

Reduced to DWAI and Child Abuse charge dismissed.

Douglas County – DUI Charges

Not guilty verdict at jury trial.