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Westminster DUI Attorney
Experienced & Affordable Representation
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Why choose our firm
Over 1000 DUI Cases Resolved
Kevin Churchill is dedicated to protecting those accused of drunk driving, and from unnecessary convictions and criminal penalties.
Experienced Trial Attorney
An attorney with years of experience in this specialized field can be a crucial asset, pointing you in the right direction as you make decisions about how to resolve your case.
Affordable & Effective Solutions
Our firm welcomes your phone call to discuss representation, and makes every effort to be very accessible to our clients.


While each case presents unique circumstances, our ultimate objective remains constant – to mitigate the repercussions of a DUI arrest by lessening the charges brought against you or persuading the prosecutor to drop the charges entirely.

Typical Charges Related to DUI

Westminster DUI Attorney

Kevin Churchill offers a vigorous defense against all DUI charges in the City of Westminster, and in surrounding areas of Adams and Jefferson Counties in Colorado. He is committed to safeguarding individuals accused of drunk driving in Colorado against unwarranted convictions and penalties. We review all the evidence in each case carefully to know how to best advise our clients, and we do not advise clients to plead guilty if there is a reason to fight the case. Although most drunk driving convictions are misdemeanors, they can have significant life-altering effects. These negative consequences not only include the criminal court penalties, but also include other negative effects on employment, relationships, and finances. Typically, people accused of DUI and DWAI in Westminster are ordinary people who need to drive to get to work and financially support themselves and their families.

Kevin Churchill is a DUI attorney who has represented thousands of clients in Westminster and surrounding areas of the Front Range. He has extensive experience handling drunk driving cases for more than 24 years. This gives him the expertise to critically evaluate the evidence in each case in order to give clients the best representation possible.

DUI Laws in Colorado

The DUI laws in Colorado are among the most strict in the United States. If you are convicted of a first-time DUI, criminal penalties can include jail time, a year or more of probation (during which you cannot drink or use drugs), and fines. You will also automatically lose your driver’s license for a period of time, unless your DUI lawyer is able to defeat the revocation case at the DMV. This can be one of the most consequential outcomes of a DUI conviction, because it makes it difficult to do the basic life tasks, including getting to and from work, seeing friends, and taking your kids to school and activities. It should be clear that even a first DUI conviction can have very stressful consequences. It is therefore critical that you hire an attorney who specializes in drunk driving cases to represent you if charged with DUI or DWAI. Kevin Churchill has been representing clients accused of DUI in Westminster and the north Metro area for over two decades. If you are arrested for DUI, DWAI, or DUID, please contact him for a free consultation.

Westminster DUI Attorney

If you are facing DUI charges in Westminster, you need an attorney who specializes in this type of charge. A DUI attorney needs to be both a legal and technical expert. A skilled DUI attorney will have expertise in criminal, evidentiary, and constitutional law. In addition, DUI cases have technical evidence that makes them unique to other criminal cases. Your attorney needs to know the ins and outs of the science of blood alcohol breath tests and blood tests for drugs, as well as how the standardized roadside sobriety tests are supposed to be administered (and when there are flaws in how they were done.) A skilled DUI attorney will evaluate all of the evidence with this goal: 

To help you to get the best possible outcome in your case, whether that is reduced penalties, modified charges, or possibly having the case dismissed outright. 

The penalties for a DUI conviction can be significant, including jail time, fines, and revocation of your driver’s license. A first conviction for DUI will result in a 9-month loss of your driver’s license. Although Westminster has an RTD hub, it is still overwhelmingly a driving town, and it is challenging to get around without being able to drive yourself. How would you conveniently get to work at Ball or Maxar, shop at the Orchard Town Center, or hang out downtown at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema if you can’t drive? Any DUI conviction can also result in jail time, however there is mandatory jail time if the blood alcohol content (BAC) was over 0.20 mg/l. But, you can be charged with drunk driving even without blood alcohol test results, and you can also be charged if your BAC is below .08. In addition, if you have a minor child in the car at the time of your DUI arrest, you will also be charged with child abuse. The consequences of getting a DUI, DWAI, or DUID in Westminster can therefore be substantial. It is important to consult with a DUI attorney who is familiar with the local Adams and Jefferson County court system to look at your case. We want to help minimize the consequences you face from your DUI arrest. 


Although most DUI charges are misdemeanors, they are still criminal charges in the criminal court system. Aside from criminal and DMV penalties, there are also financial and reputational costs incurred outside of the legal system. For  example with significant increases to the cost of auto insurance. A skilled DUI attorney will evaluate all the technical evidence against you to make sure everything was done accurately. This can sometimes result in the charges against you being dropped, or can be used to reduce the penalties you face in case of a conviction.

Colorado DMV

As soon as you are charged with DUI, you will be at risk of your driver’s license being revoked. If you refused to have your breath or blood tested at the time of arrest, you will have an automatic, mandatory one-year revocation of your driver’s license. If you took a BAC test, you have the right to a DMV hearing to determine if you can keep your license until your criminal case is resolved. However, you must request that hearing within 7 days of being arrested after taking a breath test. (If you took a blood test to assess your BAC, you have 7 days from when your blood test results come back.) When you request the hearing, it is very important that you check the box requesting that the police officer appear at your hearing. This gives your attorney the chance to ask the officer questions that could help your criminal case, and if the officer does not show up, you may not lose your license. 

Once you are convicted of a DUI in Westminster, there is a mandatory 9 month revocation of your license. However, recently-changed laws in Colorado allow you to request early reinstatement of your license if you install an interlock device in your vehicle that tests whether alcohol is present before allowing you to drive.


DUI cases can have complex scientific and technical evidence, so hiring an attorney with years of specialized experience with DUI cases can be a valuable asset in making decisions on how to resolve your case. 

National College for DUI Defense
national trial lawyer
top attorney award
Case results
Not Guilty
DUI Charge
Client turned the wrong way on a one-way street, colliding with another vehicle, then into a tree. Client refused a blood or breath test.
Case Dismissed
DUI Charge
Client drives moving truck off the road into a ditch. Client refused both a blood or breath test, and refused roadside tests.
Dismissed at Motions Hearing
DUI Charge
Client pulled over for expired plates. Client took a breath test with results well over the legal limit.
Not Guilty
DUI Charge
Client found at his vehicle changing a flat tire. Client shows obvious signs of impairment and tested over the legal limit.
Reduced to Reckless Driving
DUI Charge
Client asleep in driver’s seat with engine running. Blood test reveals prescription drugs, marijuana and alcohol.

What a DUI Can Cost You in Westminster, Colorado

The cost of a DUI conviction can be overwhelming. The expenses can include court costs, fines, probation fees, interlock device costs, alcohol treatment expenses, increased insurance premiums, loss of wages, losing your job, and more. Most estimates suggest the overall cost of a DUI in Westminster will  be over $10,000. So, the cost of hiring a private attorney who is experienced with DUI cases can be small in comparison. DUI cases have specialized evidence, including different types of breath tests for blood alcohol content, blood tests for alcohol and drugs including marijuana, and field sobriety tests. There also must be reasonable suspicion to pull you over, and if there was not, all evidence against you could be inadmissible, and your charges could be dropped. If you are charged with drunk driving, it is critical that you hire an attorney who is experienced with these types of specialized evidence. Your attorney can help to evaluate whether there is a way to fight your case in court, or if there are flaws with procedures or tests that could get your case dismissed. If a conviction cannot be avoided, your attorney will help to get you the best sentence possible. 


Dui Information
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Serving the Westminster Area

The negative consequences of a DUI conviction can be too significant to simply assume the evidence against you is accurate. We have been able to beat countless cases in which our clients assumed there was no way out of the charges. Our experienced defense team knows that in drug and alcohol driving offense cases, the evidence is complex and requires experts to evaluate it. We will review all of the evidence in your case carefully to make sure all standardized procedures were followed, and all tests were done correctly. We will also look for consistency in the police officer’s statements about the case. Because we have been working in Jefferson and Adams County courts for two decades, we are also familiar with the judges and opposing attorneys, which can also be beneficial in your case. Our goal is to ensure that your case receives the utmost attention and that you have the best possible outcome. If you have any questions or concerns about your case, please contact our office. Mr. Churchill will personally provide advice on how to protect your criminal record and your driver’s license.

If you have not already been arrested, our page entitled “DUI Arrest Advice” offers some helpful tips on what to do. However, if you are now seeking advice on how to protect yourself after an arrest, our website can also provide valuable information.

What You Should Do If You Have Been Arrested

  1. It is critical to understand the DUI laws in Colorado to avoid adverse consequences. For example, even if your BAC is below 0.08%, you can still be charged and convicted of driving while impaired. You don’t have to meet the BAC cutoff with a breath or blood test to face criminal charges, you just need to show impaired motor skills. If you find yourself in this situation, it is strongly advised that you not provide any statements to the police during a DUI arrest. Instead, it is recommended to simply provide the necessary identification documents upon request. If you speak during the encounter, this may result in the police officer noting slurred speech, even if it is not present. Additionally, anything you say or do can potentially be used as evidence against you. Even if you think it could be helpful to admit to having one drink, it is not recommended that you say anything, because it could be used against you as evidence of impairment. Admitting to having any amount of alcohol can help the officer to argue that he or she had probable cause that you were under the influence. Keep in mind that sharing information with the police may not necessarily help your case.
  2. If you are arrested for a DUI in Colorado, you should request a DMV hearing regarding driver’s license revocation within seven days of your arrest. The exception to this timeline is that if you took a blood test instead of a breath test, you have a short window of time from the time your test results come back to request the hearing. It is also critical that when you fill out the DMV hearing request, you ask for the arresting officer to be present when the express consent hearing occurs. If the officer is present at the hearing, this gives your attorney an opportunity to ask them questions regarding your case, which can provide important information for your criminal case. From this questioning, your lawyer can assess the strength of the officer’s testimony against you and how strong of a witness they will be against you. And, if the officer does not appear at the hearing, your license will not be immediately revoked. This hearing provides the chance to challenge the loss of your license, which, for many people, is one of the most consequential penalties of the DUI arrest.
  3. Always seek counsel from an experienced lawyer right away if you are charged with drunk driving, and don’t speak with anyone unless your attorney is with you. It is advisable to hire an experienced DUI lawyer in Westminster to evaluate your case before your court or DMV hearing date. The earlier you hire an attorney, the better, because it takes time to obtain the evidence in your case and properly assess the details of the case. DUI cases can be more complex than people realize, so your lawyer needs enough time to build a strong defense. This is especially true when examining any available body cam video from the arrest.
  4. Avoid entering a guilty plea or jumping to the conclusion that you are automatically guilty in a DUI or DUID case. There are defense arguments that can be explored in many cases. Whether the traffic stop was warranted, and if the evidence gathered by law enforcement officials was done in a legal, standardized, and scientifically sound way can be crucial in your case. Only with the help of a seasoned legal representative can you determine if the prosecution has a solid case against you.
Our clients do not plead guilty when a better outcome can be obtained.
KEVIN CHURCHILL owner & attorney
Meet your attorney

Westminster DUI Defense

For more than 20 years, Kevin Churchill has been offering legal representation for DUI and DMV hearings for accused people throughout Westminster and the surrounding North Metro area. He has experience in handling thousands of DUI charges over that time, as well as related criminal charges, such as child endangerment, assault, and felony drug possession.

Westminster Police and Court System

Westminster is an unusual city, in that about 40% of the population live in Jefferson County, and 60% live in Adams County. If you are arrested for DUI in Westminster, you will have court in either the Jefferson County Court in Golden, or in the Adams County Court in Brighton, based on the location of your arrest. The Westminster Police Department is responsible for law enforcement in Westminster; they have 199 sworn personnel. Through 2019, there were an average of over 400 DUI arrests in Westminster per year, but the numbers have dropped off to about half of that annually since then.

If you are arrested for DUI in Westminster and you choose to do a breath test to measure your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC), you will be brought to the Westminster Police Department and do the test on their Intoxilyzer 9000 machine. This machine is inspected and certified annually by the Colorado Department of Public Health. If you choose to do a blood test, the paramedics from the Westminster Fire Department will do the blood draw. If the driver is taken to the hospital for any reason, then the hospital phlebotomist will do the blood draw. The procedure for the blood and breath tests doesn’t change depending on whether the arrest happens in Adams or Jefferson county.

All of the WPD patrol officers are certified to do the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) and to use the Intoxilyzer, and all are trained to investigate DUIs. In addition, Westminster also has four Drug Recognition Experts (DREs), and two of those are also DRE instructors. The State of Colorado funds overtime pay for DUI enforcement, and that is done by the Westminster Police on most Fridays and Saturdays throughout the year, as well as around holidays. Similar to most other locations in the Denver Metro area, Westminster no longer does any DUI checkpoints. The State of Colorado used to fund these checkpoints, but that funding no longer exists. Instead, the WPD does multi-jurisdictional Saturation Patrols with other Adams County law enforcement agencies; these have been shown to be a more effective use of resources than DUI checkpoints.

Jefferson County Court
100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, CO 80401

Adams County Court
1100 Judicial Center Dr., Brighton, CO 80601

Westminster Municipal Court
3030 Turnpike Dr., Westminster, CO 80030

Westminster Police Department
Westminster Public Safety Center
9110 Yates St., Westminster, CO 80031
Non-Emergency 303-658-4360

Closest Ignition Interlock Providers to Westminster, CO (Not endorsed by our office):

Honest-1 Auto Care
2925 W 92nd Ave, Federal Heights, CO 80260

5th Gear Automotive
7301 W 118th Pl, Broomfield, CO 80020

What our clients are Saying
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Mr. Churchill has been a positive influence, and has worked to help me in a time that I was in desperate need of counsel.
Mr. Churchill is a kind and compassionate counsel and a well versed attorney that was well received by the court. He really knew what he was doing and how best to represent me. It was clear that his experience with the court and judiciary personnel helped greatly on my behalf. I will, and am very pleased to recommend Mr. Churchill to anyone I know for the professional help he has provided.
J.R. Past Client
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We would recommend Kevin Churchill as the absolute BEST.
Best attorney in Colorado for not just navigating the legal system and all that it entails but most importantly that Kevin and his team will take on the most serious of cases and get their clients the best possible outcome. No doubt if your circumstances are likely (by the law) to result in a very serious outcome you need the BEST possible attorney to represent you or your loved one. We would recommend Kevin Churchill as the absolute BEST. Call him when you are in need - he answers the phone and he cares.
G.K. Past Client
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We will never forget what you did for us Kevin!
I was wrongly accused, and I contacted Kevin Churchill to defend me. He was always prompt in returning my phone calls. Kevin truly believed in me and was very determined to bring forth the truth, this means a lot when you know you are wrongly accused and don't know the process, Kevin took the time to answer all of my questions and truly listen to me. He was always honest with me which I really appreciate. We ended up taking to trial and his knowledge, determination, and professionalism was exceptional. He worked very hard to go through all of the evidence when preparing from my trial...
H.K. Past Client
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Highly professional service.
Highly professional service. Kevin is extremely kind and caring, and always made himself available to communicate through phone or email. He guided me through the whole legal process and explained everything in a clear and understandable manner. I always felt that he had my best interest. Kevin is an excellent attorney and I would highly recommend him to anyone.
J.S. Past Client
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His fees are very reasonable and worth every penny.
Kevin did an excellent job on my case. He guided me through the entire legal process providing clear answers and prompt follow-up. He is very professional and worked through all the case mitigation in detail plus proved to be an excellent spokesman and negotiator on my behalf. His fees are very reasonable and worth every penny.
J.A. Past Client
three red stars icon
I have no doubt that Kevin Churchill was the best attorney in that courtroom.
Mr. Churchill skillfully represented me at my bond hearing, and again at my plea & setting appearance. Kevin most distinguished himself at my sentencing hearing. We met outside the courtroom to review procedure and finalize his presentation to the judge. As we were waiting for my opportunity to stand before the court, I thought of some important, but previously undisclosed facts & evidence, and shared them with Kevin by passing a note. He whispered a few questions to clarify the new information, then on the spot, with no prior notice revised his argument just in time to speak briefly with the D.A., and stand before the judge with me...
T.K. Past Client