Facing a DUI charge in Denver is always stressful. Whether or not you’ve been charged before, violating Colorado drunk driving laws can have hefty legal, criminal, practical, financial, and emotional consequences.
If this is your first DUI (driving under the influence) or DWAI (driving while ability impaired) charge, you may have no experience with the criminal justice system. If it’s your third or fourth violation, you may be rightly concerned about the escalating criminal penalties involved.
A skilled defense attorney can help mitigate the effects of a DUI on your life. That said, the coming weeks and months will certainly be challenging. This guide can help you cope.
Prepare for the Stress
You’ve probably already run through the potential consequences of a DUI in your mind. Will I lose my driver’s license? How will I get to work? Will I have to give up my professional license? Will I go to jail or even prison?
There is no way around the stress. However, you can take steps to deal with it. The tips below can help you survive your DUI experience.
- Don’t beat yourself up: You can’t change the past. Continually rehashing it in your mind can damage your mental health and prevent you from moving forward productively.
- Recognize your feelings: On the flip side, ignoring your emotions can also make things worse. Recognize that feelings of shame, anger, and sadness are all normal at this time.
- Seek support: It can help to talk with someone who understands your experience. Look into emotional support resources for DUI offenders such as licensed therapists and peer support groups.
- Practice self-care: Engage in physical activity, get enough sleep, and try not to isolate yourself from friends and family. Avoid using alcohol to manage stress.
Hire a Skilled Attorney
When it comes to coping with the legal aftermath of a DUI, there is no substitute for a good attorney. Defense lawyers work to reduce the impact of a DUI charge, including protecting your legal rights, gathering and analyzing evidence, representing you in court, and navigating license suspension after a DUI.
You can help yourself by cooperating with your legal team and the legal system. Be honest with your attorney, complete any paperwork required, show up for hearings on time, and behave respectfully in court.
Plan for a Better Future
Your life may change because of your DUI, but it doesn’t have to be for the worse. Use this time to focus on changing certain aspects of your life, getting help with a substance abuse problem, and learning from your DUI mistake to prevent future incidents. Consider the following tips:
- Volunteering or practicing a hobby can give you a more productive focus.
- Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs and support groups can guide you through recovery.
- Professional therapists can help with rebuilding your life after a DUI conviction or arrest.
- Friends and family can offer informal support throughout the process.
Let an experienced defense attorney take some of the weight off your shoulders. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation if you need help navigating your DUI experience.