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Experienced & Affordable DUI Defense for the Denver Metro Area

Impact of a DUI on Professional Licenses in Denver

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Were you arrested and charged with DUI in Denver, CO? Make sure you know what to expect as far as the consequences for a DUI conviction are concerned.

Those convicted on DUI charges in Colorado often face stiff penalties, including fines, community service, license suspension and revocation, and jail time. They’re also typically subjected to probation and monitoring for years to come.

The impact of a DUI on a professional license in Denver might be even greater, depending on your profession. If you work as a healthcare provider, lawyer, accountant, or commercial truck driver, a DUI conviction could change your career trajectory. Your profession could force you to follow mandatory reporting requirements concerning your DUI.

Learn how a DUI conviction can impact those in these particular professions below.

Healthcare Providers

Doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and others working in Colorado’s medical field are held to the highest ethical standards. They are licensed by agencies like the Colorado Medical Board and the Colorado Board of Nursing, and they could face disciplinary hearings if they are ever convicted of DUI.

In some instances, healthcare workers might only receive warnings following DUI arrests. However, they also risk having their licenses suspended and sometimes even revoked, especially if they fail to show compliance with court orders after DUI convictions.


If a lawyer is ever convicted of DUI in Denver, they must report this conviction to the Colorado Supreme Court’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel. Colorado attorneys must report all criminal convictions to this agency and deal with the possible consequences of doing so.

The Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel will usually launch an investigation into a lawyer’s criminal conviction before deciding how to discipline them. Punishments range from short suspensions to permanent disbarments for those in the legal field. Attorneys arrested and convicted of crimes like DUI must also worry about reputation management.


The impact of a DUI on a professional license in Denver extends beyond just those in the medical and legal industries. People who work within the financial industry can also be impacted by DUI convictions.

The Colorado Board of Accountancy calls for certified public accountants (CPAs) to report criminal convictions, including DUI convictions. They could face license suspensions following further investigations. Financial advisors are also subject to the same treatment by the Colorado Division of Securities.

Commercial Truck Drivers

For commercial truck drivers, the impact of a DUI on a professional driver’s license in Denver is unmistakable. They can lose their commercial driver’s license (CDL) for anywhere from one year to permanently, based on the circumstances surrounding their DUI convictions.

DUI convictions will also remain on commercial truck drivers’ driving records and create future employment challenges.

Contact Us To Speak With an Experienced DUI Attorney About Your Case

Are you already starting to feel the impact of a DUI on a professional driver’s license in Denver? Churchill DUI Defense is here to help by delivering the legal representation you need. Call us at (303) 832-9000 to schedule a consultation.