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Examining DUI Stops in Colorado

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The Colorado State Patrol set up its first DUI checkpoint on January 1, 1985. Since then, the CSP has continued to use DUI checkpoints in Denver, Colorado, and other parts of the state.

Despite this, not everyone knows what to do at DUI checkpoints. In fact, many people do not know what to do during DUI stops in Colorado in general.

No one sets out to have the police pull them over on DUI suspicions. But if you ever find yourself in this position, knowing your legal rights will help you. Learn about them below.

What Happens During DUI Stops in Colorado?

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation reports that over 16,000 people face DUI charges in the Centennial State each year. They’re arrested at DUI checkpoints and during DUI stops in Colorado.

The CSP is legally allowed to create DUI checkpoints in Colorado as long as specific guidelines are followed. For example, the CSP must clearly mark DUI checkpoints and give advanced warnings about them.

CSP troopers and police officers in Denver, Colorado, and other jurisdictions are also legally allowed to make DUI stops as long as they have probable cause. They can pull drivers over if they observe them committing traffic violations or driving in ways that make them appear intoxicated.

Whether you end up at a DUI checkpoint or are pulled over for a DUI stop, here’s what will happen next:

  1. A police officer will request your driver’s license and vehicle registration.
  2. They’ll evaluate your physical appearance, speech patterns, etc.
  3. They’ll ask you to take a field sobriety test and/or a preliminary alcohol screening breath test.
  4. They’ll place you under arrest if they suspect you’re intoxicated.
  5. They’ll ask you to take an evidential breath alcohol test or a blood test to measure your blood alcohol content.
  6. They may ask you to take a blood test if they suspect drug use.

The CSP or local police will also impound your vehicle and take you to a nearby police station for photographing and fingerprinting. They’ll hold you there until you’re sober and post bail.

What Rights Do You Have During DUI Stops in Colorado?

You have certain rights at DUI checkpoints and during DUI stops in Colorado. For instance, you aren’t legally required to take a field sobriety test or a preliminary alcohol screening breath test. You maintain the right to refuse them, though doing so could lead to you being arrested if police believe you’re intoxicated.

You also have the right to refuse chemical tests at a police station, but doing so could come with harsh consequences. Your Colorado driver’s license will be revoked automatically when you refuse to take a chemical test. You’ll also be designated as a “persistent drunk driver” in Colorado, even if you’re being arrested for DUI for the first time.

Start Working With a Trusted DUI Lawyer in Denver, Colorado

Were you charged with DUI after one of the many DUI stops in Colorado that takes place every day? Let an experienced DUI lawyer represent you and take your case to trial. Contact us at (303) 832-0970 to arrange a consultation in Denver, Colorado.